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The Odisha State Police Housing and Welfare Corporation Limited (OSPH&WC), incorporated as a wholly owned Government of Odisha undertaking on 24th of May, 1980 under the Companies Act, 1956 in order to meet the housing needs of the Police with enhanced priority as a welfare measure.

Started functioning at State Police Headquarters, Cuttack in the year of incorporation. During more than 40 years of its existence, the OSPH&WC has developed expertise in planning, designing & construction of both residential and non-residentials buildings for the Police, Fire services, Prison Administration and Judiciary. The corporation has developed expertise in fortifying buildings vulnerable to extremist attacks in Maoist affected areas of the State.

The corporation is the nodal agency for construction of buildings under important Central government schemes like Modernization of Police Force Scheme, Security related expenditure scheme and Special Infrastructure scheme.. It is a trusted construction which provides quality construction and thus, ahs attracted clients outside its core area of responsibilities.

The corporation has constructed projects for colleges and universities under UGC grant, Hospitals for National Rural Health Mission, Schools for SC & ST Development Dept., Vocational Training Institutes for Industries Dept. etc. Starting with a turnover of Rs. 13.70 lakhs in the year 1980-81, the corporation has been able to post a figure of more than 1000-1100 in the financial year 2022-2023.

Applying the parameters as laid down in the criteria for categorization of PSU’s, the Government of Odisha have categorized the OSPH&WC as ‘Silver’ in the year 2011.
